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How you can support us

Without faithful supporters we cannot reach our vision to develop and support leaders to impact Africa for Christ. You can support us in the following ways:
We cannot do this without the generous donations of our friends around the world.
Come and serve with us! We offer the following opportunities to serve:
Internship (June in July)
Short term missions
JAM year program
Having a team of prayer warriors is the power of this organization!

PayPal (South Africa and International)

Click the button below to donate using PayPal. Donations through PayPal will not be tax deductible. For tax deductible donations (in SA only), use our bank details found below.
Please note that payment amounts will be displayed in USD. Please see estimated current exchange rate below:

$ (US) 1.00 = R18.35
Donate via paypal

USA Donations (Tax-Deductable)

Please click the button below, it will lead you to the Extreme Response USA's support page. JAM receives most of our tax-deductible donations through ER. It is secure and simple to make a donation. Please select "Other Designations: Ministry Partners" on the dropdown menu and select "Jabulani Africa Ministries" on the list that will open next to it (a 10% admin fee will be deducted from donations through ER).

US Donations
Eft details

South African Bank details

ABSA Cheque Account
Account name: Jabulani African Ministries
Account number: 4077330050
Branch code: 632005
Swift code: ABSAZAJJ (International)
Reference: Please specify department (General, Camps, Outreach, Student, etc.)

Jabulani Africa Ministries is a registered Non-Profit Organization. Issued in terms of section 18A of the Income Tax Act of 1962, as amended. The donation received will be used exclusively for the objects of Jabulani Africa Ministries in carrying out public benefit.

Support us in another way

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