JAM Year Program
Our Service Year Program

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Jam year program

JAM year program

The JAM year is a 11-month program for vibrant young people with a passion for Jesus and a heart to serve. The JAM Year focuses on discipling and training young adults to be leaders of influence through being part of a team-community and participating in local ministry, camps, service and outreach.  
The JAM Year provides a unique experience for growth as they do live in a multicultural team, learning about themselves and the life of Jesus whilst ministering to young people all over South Africa.
The program is designed with these 5 pillars in mind:
1. Bible Knowledge
2. Leadership
3. Missions
4. Personal Development
5. Skills Training.

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Jam internship program

JAM internship program

What if I can’t commit to an 11-month program but still have a passion for Jesus and a heart to serve? The JAM internship program could be the perfect fit! JAM interns serve and learn alongside the JAM year students for a 1–3 month period. Although May through July would be ideal and provide maximum exposure and experience, the dates are flexible. The internship offers the same training and ministry opportunities in a more condensed version.

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Reaching a generation leadership academy

JAM year 2024: Our exciting new partnership

We have partnered with Reaching a Generation Leadership Academy (RAGLA) to offer selected accredited short courses. JAM Year students will be able to complete some of the modules offered by RAGLA. This will equip our students academically for the ministry they do with JAM, as well as for the rest of their lives. Students will be able to complete the full RAGLA course after the completion of their JAM year, or transfer their credits earned through RAGLA to other institutions. Students will complete some of the following courses:
1. Essentials of an Intergenerational Religious Practitioner –     Ministry Tasks and Responsibilities (NQF 4, 6 credits)
2. Basic Christian Concepts – Introduction to Various Theologies     (NQF 5, 8 credits)
3. Principles of Building the Faith Community (NQF 5, 8 credits)
4. Spiritual Formation – Life Skills Training and Value      Development (NQF 5, 10 credits)
5. The Missional Calling of the Church (NQF 5, 7 credits)

More about RAGLA

Testimonials from students

"The JAM year program was the ideal place for me to find my identity in Christ while serving others. Not only have I grown in my relationship with God but I also got to develop skills and use them to serve others. I truly experienced the mission of JAM in this year- I felt developed and supported right through the year."
"The JAM year has been challenging in a good way. God has been challenging me to deny myself daily and follow Him. He has been teaching me what it means to be a true follower of Christ and to truly love people as I love myself. I am growing in my faith and this has been the best year so far."
Meet the Team

Meet this year's team

We are excited for the 2024 JAM year students that are joining us for this year!

Gerhard Duvenhage
Founder & Executive Director
Karlisle Julius
Team Leader & Camps Director
Emilio Arendse
Terrain Manager
Rico Roos
Social Media &
Mignon Duvenhage
Administration &
Dream Centre support
Brice Wilson
Operations Manager
Samantha Wilson
Ministry Assistant
Juwayda Willemse
2024 JAM Year Student
Jam Year Applicatiuon

JAM year application

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